This is the report of 1st session of IITBombayX courses. With support from TEQIP-III, 69 students successfully completed various courses in session Sep-Dec 2020.
List of Students – IITBombayX session Sep-Dec 2020
Sr No | Full Name | Roll No. | Department Name | Year of Study | Course |
1 | Adarsh Ranjan | 19106107002 | Information Technology | Second | Algorithms |
2 | Nikita | 18106107014 | Information Technology | Third | Algorithms |
3 | Piyush Shekhar | 19106107023 | Information Technology | Second | Algorithms |
4 | Rahul Kumar Sinha | 17106107010 | Information Technology | Last | Algorithms |
5 | Siddhu Kumar | 19106107030 | Information Technology | Second | Algorithms |
6 | Utkarsh | 19106107034 | Information Technology | Second | Algorithms |
7 | Utkarsh Kumar | 19106107036 | Information Technology | Second | Algorithms |
8 | Apurva Singh | 17106107011 | Information Technology | Last | Algorithms |
9 | Anish Anand | 19101107032 | Civil Engineering | Second | English for Oral Communication |
10 | Vikas Kumar | 19101107042 | Civil Engineering | Second | English for Oral Communication |
11 | Aditya Kumar Ashwini | 19106107006 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
12 | Alka Bharti | 19106107004 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
13 | Aviraj | 19106107038 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
14 | Chandan Kumar Pathak | 19106107012 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
15 | Gaurav Kumar | 19106107014 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
16 | Hrishita Jha | 19106107017 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
17 | Komal Rani | 19106107016 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
18 | Krishna Murari | 19106107015 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
19 | Md Saif Ali | 19106107022 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
20 | Md Shad Alam | 19106107020 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
21 | Md Tahammul Noor | 19106107018 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
22 | Nikhil Kumar Singh | 19106107019 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
23 | Piyush Shekhar | 19106107023 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
24 | Prateek Kumar | 19106107024 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
25 | Prince Kumar | 19106107039 | Information Technology | First | Foundations of Data Structure |
26 | Raja Babu | 19106107025 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
27 | Ravi Jyoti | 19103107019 | Electrical Engineering | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
28 | Ravi Shankar | 19106107026 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
29 | Rishabh Kumar Singh | 19106107028 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
30 | Saurabh Kumar | 19106107032 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
31 | Shivani Kumari | 19106107031 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
32 | Shubham Raj | 19106107033 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
33 | Siddhu Kumar | 19106107030 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
34 | Sudhanshu Shekhar Mishra | 19106107035 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
35 | Utkarsh | 19106107034 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
36 | Utkarsh Kumar | 19106107036 | Information Technology | Second | Foundations of Data Structure |
37 | Chandan Kumar Pathak | 19106107012 | Information Technology | Second | Implementation of Data Structures |
38 | Gaurav Kumar | 19106107014 | Information Technology | Second | Implementation of Data Structures |
39 | Md Saif Ali | 19106107022 | Information Technology | Second | Implementation of Data Structures |
40 | Md Shad Alam | 19106107020 | Information Technology | Second | Implementation of Data Structures |
41 | Md Tahammul Noor | 19106107018 | Information Technology | Second | Implementation of Data Structures |
42 | Rahul Kumar Sinha | 17106107010 | Information Technology | Last | Implementation of Data Structures |
43 | Ravi Jyoti | 19103107019 | Electrical Engineering | Second | Implementation of Data Structures |
44 | Rishabh Kumar Singh | 19106107028 | Information Technology | Second | Implementation of Data Structures |
45 | Shubham Kumar | 17106107029 | Information Technology | Last | Implementation of Data Structures |
46 | Sudhanshu Shekhar Mishra | 19106107035 | Information Technology | Second | Implementation of Data Structures |
47 | Adarsh Ranjan | 19106107002 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
48 | Aditya Kumar Ashwini | 19106107006 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
49 | Anurag Kumar Sharma | 17106107039 | Information Technology | Last | Object-Oriented Programming |
50 | Aviraj | 19106107038 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
51 | Hrishita Jha | 19106107017 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
52 | Krishna Murari | 19106107015 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
53 | Manish Kumar | 19106107040 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
54 | Pragati Ranjan | 19104107040 | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
55 | Prateek Kumar | 19106107024 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
56 | Prince Kumar | 19106107039 | Information Technology | First | Object-Oriented Programming |
57 | Raja Babu | 19106107025 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
58 | Raushan Kumar | 19106107041 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
59 | Ravi Shankar | 19106107026 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
60 | Rohit Kumar | 17104107041 | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Third | Object-Oriented Programming |
61 | Saurabh Kumar | 19106107032 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
62 | Saurabh Kumar Vigyananand | 19106107904 | Information Technology | Third | Object-Oriented Programming |
63 | Saurav Suman | 19104107026 | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
64 | Shubham Kumar | 17106107029 | Information Technology | Last | Object-Oriented Programming |
65 | Shubham Raj | 19106107033 | Information Technology | Second | Object-Oriented Programming |
66 | Anish Anand | 19101107032 | Civil Engineering | Second | Soft Skills |
67 | Kush Kumar | 17104107035 | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Last | Soft Skills |
68 | Kush Kumar | 17104107035 | Electronics & Communication Engineering | Last | Workplace Communication |
69 | Vikas Kumar | 19101107042 | Civil Engineering | Second | Workplace Communication |