Prof. Deepak Kumar Choudhary (Faculty)


Prof. Deepak Kumar Choudhary

Assistant Professor,
Department of Information and Technology

8770774369   |

*Ph.D Pursuing from NIT Patna
M.Tech (CSE) from MANIT Bhopal in 2008
B.E(CSE) from RGPV Bhopal in 2005
Subject Expertise
Object Oriented Programming Using C++
Programming for Problem Solving (PPS)
Area Of Research
Machine Learning
Cyber Security
Professional Experience
22nd May 2008 to 22nd May 2010, Working as an Assistant Professor in Trinity Institute of Technology and Research, Bhopal
24th May 2010 to 23rd July 2011 ,Working as an Assistant Professor in Vidhyapeeth institute of Science and Technology, Bhopal
25th July 2011 to 10th Feb 2018, Working as an Assistant Professor in Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal
21th June 2018 to 11th Sep 2020 Working as an Assistant Professor in Motihari College of Engineering, Motihari
12th Sep 2020 to 11th July 2023 ,Working as an Assistant Professor in Darbhanga College of Engineering, Darbhanga
12th July 2023 to till date ,Working as an Assistant Professor in Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology , Muzaffarpur
List Of Publications
“Prevent to Unauthorized updates in Database” in national conference on Data Engineering & Intelligent System on 7th -8th March 2008 in SIRT Bhopal.
“Buffer Overflow Attack Detection in Peer to Peer Network Using MCAIDS” in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), (ISSN: 2278-0181, Vol. 2 Issue 6, June- 2013).
“Buffer Overflow Attack Blocking Using MCAIDS- Machine Code Analysis Intrusion Detection System” in International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal), Volume 3, Issue 5, May 2013.
“Implementation of A Secure and High Speed Cloud Interface for Cell Phone” in International Journal of Emerging Technology & Advanced Engineering (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal), Volume 3, Issue 6, June 2013.
“Analysis of Cloud Computing to Increase Speed & Security for Mobile Access” PUBLISHED IN IJMAN, VOLUME 3, ISSUE 2, MAY 2013.
“An Assessment Of Artificial Immune System Over Ids Towards Network Security” published in International Conference on Intra-disciplinary Research in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy And Science (ICIREMPS 2K14) Organized under TEQUIP II In 20-23 Feb 2014.
“Handwritten Oriya Numeral Recognition Using Neural Network” published in International Conference on Intra-disciplinary Research in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy and Science (ICIREMPS 2K14) Organized under TEQUIP II In 20-23 Feb 2014.
“Real-Time Object Tracking And Color Detection Using Color Feature” publish in IJCAT International Journal of Computing and Technology.
“An Energy Awareness Routing For Mobile Ad Hoc Network Protocol Of High Performance Sensor Network “published in International Conference on Intra-disciplinary Research in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy and Science (ICIREMPS 2K14) Organized under TEQUIP II In 19-22 Feb 2015.
“Performance Improvement Of DSR Protocol: A Review” published in International Conference on Intra-disciplinary Research in Engineering, Management, Pharmacy and Science (ICIREMPS 2K14) Organized under TEQUIP II In 19-22 Feb 2015.
"A Deep Learning Technique based for Detecting Different Types of Brain Tumor" published in Design Engineering [ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 4575 - 4583]
Book Publish " Introduction to Machine Learning" (ISBN No. 978-93-5570-016-2). in year 2021 by Akinik Publications
"An Analysis of Udergraduate Students Parameters for Predicting passing Ratio using Artificial Intelligence" published in International Journal of Recent Development in Engineering and Technology (IJRDET) (ISSN 2347-6435(Online) Volume 10, Issue 6, June 2021)
Grant Patent on the topic "Automatic and dynamic contextual analysis of sentiment of social content and feedback reviews based on machine learning model" in Australian Government in Nov 2021. Patent Number :2021105938
Filled and Published Patent in “A system for local business to advertise promotional offers based on Personalized and visiting location using Machine Learning Model” in Intellectual Property India in Year 2022. Application Number: 202221011578
Filled and Grant design Patent on the topic "Dental Camera for Intraoral Dental Measuring" in in Intellectual Property India in year 2022. Application Number : 358714-001
Book Publish " Programming for Problem Solving" (ISBN No. 978-93-5515-577-1). in Book Rivers Publication in year 2023
"A NOVEL GENDER IDENTIFICATION METHOD WITH HIGH ACCURACY USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES" published in Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing in year 2023 [ISSN: 1004-9037 , DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.777161 ] []
Awards and Honors
Under supervision M.Tech scholar of Software Engineering Mr. Pramod Tete [Enrolment No. 0133CS10MT46] has successfully submit his Dissertation on the topic “Implementation of a secure and high speed cloud interface for cell phone” in September-2013.
Under supervision M.Tech scholar of Computer Technology & Application Mr. Sachin Jadhav [Enrolment No. 0133CS10MT31] has successfully submit his Dissertation on the topic “Buffer Overflow Attack Blocking Using MCAIDS-(Machine Code Analysis Intrusion Detection System)” in July-2013.
Under supervision of M.Tech scholar of Software Engineering Ms. Switi Sudhakar Kewatkar [Enrolment No. 0133CS10MT18] has successfully submit his Dissertation on the topic “Performance Enhancement of Human Gait Recognition System Using Circle doping method and Modified CPNN” in July-2014.
Under supervision M.Tech scholar of Computer Science and Engineering Mr. Ankush Patil [Enrolment No. 0133CS11MT01] has successfully submit his Dissertation on the topic “Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing Using Enhanced Reverse Encryption Algorithm (REA)” in April -2015.
Under supervision M.Tech scholar of Computer Science and Engineering Mr. Nikhil Kumar [Enrolment No. 0133CS12MT14] has successfully submit his Dissertation on the topic “Automated Object Detection and tracking using colour feature extraction” in May -2015.
Under supervision M.Tech scholar of Computer Science and Engineering Mr. Mohnish Pawar [Enrolment No. 0133CS11MT47] has successfully submit his Dissertation on the topic “Reversible Image Secret Sharing Scheme based on DCT and DWT Transform towards Higher PSNR Ratio” in June -2016.
Under supervision M.Tech scholar of Computer Science and Engineering Mrs. Vandana Saxen [Enrollment No. 0133CS11MT35] has successfully submit his Dissertation on the topic “An Assessment of Artificial Immune System over IDS Towards Network Security” in June 2016.
Felicitated as a SRIJAN award in April 2014.
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