
MITRA club in MIT Muzaffarpur – A concept note

Hazard may be of any type – natural disaster like flood, earthquake, landslide or man made disasters like fire, terror attacks, and stampede. It is a well-established premise that it is not the hazards that kill but unsafe construction, ill-preparedness, and lack of awareness that make a hazard into a disaster.

As we all know the geographical situation of Muzafarpur as well as state. Some data says

  • 17 % of the country’s flood area in Bihar.
  • 72 % area of the State if flood area. Whereas the four blocks of Muzaffarpur – Aurai, Katra, Gaighat, and Minapur fully affected by flood every year while other twelve are partially.
  • Frequent change of river course e.g. Baghmati
  • Frequent Droughts.
  • High wind velocity in the most part of the State.
  • Quite often hailstorms.
  • Recurrent village fire in hot summer months.
  • Cold wave.
  • Earthquake zone-IV and V.
  • Some district of North Bihar as vulnerable as Bhuj of Gujrat.

Based on the interest of the Bihar State Disaster Management Authority (BSDMA), MIT Muzaffarpur has been chosen for one of the “Earthquake Safety Clinic” and Centre.

The young minds are most receptive to new ideas and need to be trained and made aware of certain basic principles that would not only save their lives but also being future citizens they play an important role towards nation building. Therefore, it is important to address MITigation Resilience and Awareness (MITRA) club for the disaster mitigation, preparedness and response through activities in the campus & surroundings and promote the “culture of safety & preparedness” to the students.

The main goal of this club will be to promote our students to provide safety and awareness about various disasters. It can be achieved by:

  1. Developing Disaster Mitigation Apps
  2. Tools
  3. Techniques
  4. Programs for early warning system,
  5. Creating recovery system
  6. Production of innovative relieve kits etc.