To get recognized as prestigious civil engineering program at national and international level through continuous education, research and innovation.
M1. To create the environment for innovative and smart ideas for generation of professionals to serve the nation and world with latest technologies in Civil Engineering.
M2. To develop professionals with skill for work in industry, academia and public sector organizations and entrepreneur with their technical capabilities to succeed in their fields.
M3. To build up competitiveness, leadership, moral, ethical and managerial skill.
Graduates are expected to attain Program Educational Objectives within three to four years after the graduation. Following PEOs of Department of Civil Engineering have been laid down based on the needs of the programs constituencies:
- PEO1: The students should have the ability to expertise in design, analysis and mathematical modelling of civil engineering projects for infrastructure development.
- PEO2: The students should have ability to commit to work with academia, industries professionals, government organisations and other allied fields through technical knowledge.
- PEO3: To take part in sustainable lifelong learning by being active members of professional bodies, multicultural and multidisciplinary groups for development and growth of civil engineering schemes and profession.
- PO1: Engineering knowledge: An ability to apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to get the solution of the engineering problems.
- PO2: Problem analysis:Ability to Identify, formulates, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems.
- PO3: Design/development of solutions: Ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems by considering social, economical and environmental aspects.
- PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge to design, conduct analyse experiments to get valid conclusion.
- PO5: Modern tool usage: ability to create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, and to model complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
- PO6: The engineer and society: Ability to apply knowledge by considering social health, safety, legal and cultural issues.
- PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understanding of the impact of the adopted engineering solutions in social and environmental contexts.
- PO8: Ethics: Understanding of the ethical issues of the civil engineering and applying ethical principles in engineering practices.
- PO9: Individual and teamwork: Ability to work effectively as an individual or in team, as a member or as a leader.
- PO10: Communication: An ability to communicate clearly and effectively through different modes of communication.
- PO11: Project management and finance: Ability to handle project and to manage finance related issue.
- PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning.
- PSO1: Ability to analyse and design infrastructure projects in civil engineering.
- PSO2: Ability to use state of the art practices, technologies and materials in civil engineering projects with due consideration to social and environmental impacts.
- PSO3: Capability of using various engineering tools and management principles for application in civil engineering.