Technical Education Quality Improvement Program of Government of India (TEQIP), implemented as a World Bank assisted Project to improve the quality of technical education system in the country. MIT, Muzaffarpur has been selected for Technical Education Quality Improvement (TEQIP III) Program.
Introduction :
The third phase of the project, TEQIP-III is a four year Central Sector Scheme (CSS) of MHRD, Govt. of India, to be started in the year 2017 and will be ended in 2021.
Initial Project Strategy :
The TEQIP-III project will cover all Government Funded / Aided engineering institutions of the state including Affiliating Technical University of the State, as per the eligibility criteria prescribed in project norms in two rounds of selections i.e. Cycle -1 & Cycle -2. In the project TEQIP-III which is going to be implemented as a Central Sector Scheme (CSS), the total institutional funding will be provided by the Central Government without the inclusion of state share.
TEQIP-III Awareness Download
Annual Report (2018-2019) Download